



在稳定的十大彩票网站 & 全球赌博靠谱十大网站凤凰, we take pride in our comprehensive capabilities to design, 测试, and produce UN-rated packaging tailored explicitly for your hazardous materials.

Our professional shipping and crating teams combine cutting-edge design expertise with rigorous 测试ing protocols as required in 49 CFR, 部分178, to ensure that your hazardous materials are transported and stored with the highest level of safety and compliance.

Whether you are dealing with chemicals, 电池, or other hazardous materials, our UN-rated packaging provides the assurance you need. That’s why numerous businesses trust our customized solutions; we prioritize both functionality and the safety of your products.

If you’d like to learn more about how we design and create UN rated crates, please contact us today.

What is UN Specification 包装?

The UN Model Regulations are the go-to guide for safely transporting hazardous materials internationally. They also inspire national regulations, ensuring consistency for hazmat shipping worldwide.

UN Specification 包装, also known as Performance Oriented Package (POP), refers to packaging that has been rigorously 测试ed and certified to meet the safety standards established by the United Nations Model Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods. This packaging ensures the safe handling and secure transport of dangerous goods and potentially harmful substances.

Recognizable by its distinctive packaging code, these crates are meticulously 测试ed according to the specific standards established by the United Nations.

Here are some of the benefits of using UN Specification 包装:

  • 增强的安全: UN-marked packaging helps to protect people and the environment from the risks associated with hazardous materials transportation.
  • 降低成本: By using packaging that is already certified to meet international standards, companies can avoid the need for additional 测试ing and approval processes.
  • 简化法规遵循: UN-marked packaging makes it possible for companies to comply with national and international regulations for transporting hazardous materials.
  • Overall, UN Specification 包装 plays a vital role in ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of hazardous materials 世界各地.

Our Phoenix packaging specialists design crates that can be transported worldwide by rail, 路, 海, and air and can carry all goods included in the list of dangerous goods provided by UN Model Regulations..


Our skilled designers are prepared to create distinctive UN rated wooden crates engineered to contain hazardous and perilous materials. Each crate is manufactured under the approval of Packing Groups I, II, and III to ensure precise fabrication and assembly.

UN rated wood crates include:

  • 4C1天然木盒
  • 4C2天然木盒
  • 4D胶合板箱
  • 4F再造木盒
  • 大50d胶合板箱

UN Testing and Certification

Our crates undergo a rigorous 测试ing process that adheres to DOT 第49章tion 173 and 178 standards, so you can rest assured that your materials can be securely and effectively shipped or stored.

The 测试ing we commonly perform includes:

  • 振动测试
  • 底举试验
  • 堆码测试
  • 降低测试

Our 测试s are provided using trusted verification systems because we respect their importance and know our customers rely on us for a successful shipment.

UN & DOT Regulations for 稳定的十大彩票网站 Hazardous Materials

The UN Recommendation delineates the prerequisites for shipping hazardous materials, with regulatory oversight provided by the Department of Transportation (DOT).

The UN shipping requirements for the design and 测试ing of wood crates and boxes include:

Other crating, packaging, and shipping services we offer include:

Get a fast, free, no-obligation cost estimate from Craters & 凤凰城的货轮.

If you have any questions or concerns about an upcoming shipment that needs UN rated crating, we’d love to discuss how we can help. Please provide some information and we’ll get back to you.

Proudly serving all of Phoenix AZ and the surrounding areas.